Borough of Nesquehoning Sanitation Department

Notice of New Garbage Collection Rules

In order to keep the monthly garbage collection rates as low as possible, regulations regarding the amount, the type of garbage, and the collection times have been established by the Borough of Nesquehoning Sanitation Department. We believe that it will prove prudent to share the rules and definitions with our citizens.

Collection Limits

The once a week collection is limited to six (6) containers not exceeding thirty-two (32) gallon capacity for each for residential and commercial units. For any requirements beyond this limit, the commercial unit shall have the authority to employ a refuse contractor to collect their excess refuse but will still be required to pay the established monthly fee to the Borough. The Borough of Nesquehoning Sanitation Department will only take the items listed. They will not take wet paint, stone or cement products, or construction materials. Carpet must be cut into 3 foot sections and bundled properly. Our workers will take reasonable care of your container and try to replace the lids on the containers whenever possible. The sanitation workers will not be picking up tires; however, a stamped permit for your tires may be purchased in advance at the borough office and the tires (not mounted) may be then put out on the normal garbage pick-up day for the workers to pick up, with the sticker attached to the tires. Each tire needs its own separate permit.


Collection Schedule

*** Please Note that there are Changes for the Garbage Collection***

Changes in the Collection Schedule

Any changes in the collection schedule or collection of large items will be posted at the borough office, aired on WLSH, and/or in the Times News. When a Holiday falls on your scheduled pick-up, garbage pick up will be a day late for the rest of the week. If there are any questions concerning the garbage collection, you may contact the borough office during regular business hours.

Nesquehoning Sewer Treatment Plant

Treatment Plant

Notice: Our work crews will be conducting smoke tests of sanitary sewers in your area (This maybe be going on all week long)

Nesquehoning Borough Department of Public Works

In Case of Emergency

Snow Emergency Information

Whenever the Mayor finds, on the basis of falling snow, sleet, freezing rain, or as a result of a forecast by the U.S. Weather Bureau, that the weather conditions will make it necessary to expedite motor vehicle traffic, and to prohibit or restrict parking for snow plowing and other purposes, he shall put into effect a parking ban. Please tune in to Radio Station WLSH/WMGH or Television Station WNEP, WBRE, WYOU.

Snow Removal Procedure