Borough of Nesquehoning Sanitation Department
Contact Department
114 W. Catawissa Street
Nesquehoning, PA 18240 - 570-669-9588
Mon - Fri
8am - 4pm
Monthly Garbage Rate
$50.00 for Residential
$50.00 for Commercial & Industrial - A surcharge will be applied to accounts that is placing items out that is over and above the limited amounts.
- The garbage will only be picked up at one location for each billed address.
Notice of New Garbage Collection Rules
Collection Limits
- Garbage: It was agreed that garbage is to include, but not limited to, any offal of refuse of fish, fruit, vegetable, animal matter, or any other organic substance subject to fermentation or decay.
- Rubbish:The word rubbish is agreed to include, but not limited to, paper, rags, boxes, old clothing, cans and similar containers, old shoes, oil cloth, and any and all other waste materials which result from the ordinary conduct of housekeeping.
- Large Items: Large items of waste are declared to include, but not limited to, Christmas trees, furniture, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners. All Freon must be removed from all items and must have the sticker attached to show this has been done. This is in accordance with Federal Law.
Collection Schedule
Lake Hauto -
Village of Hauto, Hauto Estate, Nesquehoning, New Columbus
- The large item collection will be the first pick up each month. Please check the calendar!
- Download Holiday Schedule
*** Please Note that there are Changes for the Garbage Collection***
Changes in the Collection Schedule
Any changes in the collection schedule or collection of large items will be posted at the borough office, aired on WLSH, and/or in the Times News. When a Holiday falls on your scheduled pick-up, garbage pick up will be a day late for the rest of the week. If there are any questions concerning the garbage collection, you may contact the borough office during regular business hours.
Nesquehoning Sewer Treatment Plant
Contact Department
114 W. Catawissa Street
Nesquehoning, PA 18240 - 570-669-9588
- 570-669-9301
Mon - Fri
8am - 4pm
Treatment Plant
Routes 93 & 209
Nesquehoning, PA 18240 - 570-669-9951
Mon - Fri
7am - 3pm - Sewer Rates $25.00 per month (Unit or EDU)
Notice: Our work crews will be conducting smoke tests of sanitary sewers in your area (This maybe be going on all week long)
Wednesday, July 10th
smoke testing will be done in the Estates. -
Thursday, July 11th
smoke testing will be done in Lake Hauto-Park Avenue
Nesquehoning Borough Department of Public Works
Contact Department
In Case of Emergency
Please Tune In To The Following Stations
AM-1410 WLSH /WMGH FM-105.5 -
Red Cross Relief Shelters
Nesquehoning Hose Co. #1 570-669-6684
Nesquehoning Recreation Ctr. 570-669-9121
Snow Emergency Information
Whenever the Mayor finds, on the basis of falling snow, sleet, freezing rain, or as a result of a forecast by the U.S. Weather Bureau, that the weather conditions will make it necessary to expedite motor vehicle traffic, and to prohibit or restrict parking for snow plowing and other purposes, he shall put into effect a parking ban. Please tune in to Radio Station WLSH/WMGH or Television Station WNEP, WBRE, WYOU.
- Snow Removal: The Police Department strictly enforces the Borough's ordinance prohibiting the plowing, blowing, shoveling, or pushing of snow from private property onto Borough streets, whether before or after the streets have been plowed. Doing so creates an unsafe and difficult situation when chunks of snow become frozen, or even when a thin layer of snow freezes causing slippery conditions. It is also illegal to blow or plow snow onto a neighbor's property. Property owners will be held liable, not the contractors, so please inform your contractor of this policy.
- Winter Parking Ban on Streets: The Police Department strictly enforces the Borough's ordinance prohibiting parking on streets in the Borough from 1:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., November 15th through April 1st. Also, street parking is prohibited at all times during a snowstorm until the streets have been cleared.
- Snow on Sidewalks: The Borough of Nesquehoning has a sidewalk ordinance that requires all residents to have their sidewalks cleared within twenty-four hours after any snowfall. Sidewalks must be cleared the whole width of the sidewalk not just a small pathway. If you live on a corner lot you are responsible for cleaning and removing snow from the sidewalks located in front and on the side of your property. Also, you must clear the sidewalk out to the street so that access can be made from there. Pedestrians should not have to go into someone's driveway to access sidewalks. Also, if your sidewalks have been cleared but get covered again due to drifting, you are responsible for clearing the snow after the drifting. Also, if you live near a FIRE HYDRANT, please clear around it for your safety and the safety of your neighbor's.
- Borough Right-Of-Way: The Borough has a right-of-way that is twenty-five feet from the center of the street to each side of the street; therefore you should notify the Borough Office prior to doing any work in this area.
- Trees on Borough Right-Of-Way: Property owners are responsible for trimming and maintaining all trees on their property including the ones located on Borough right-of-way. For those residents that have sidewalks, you should be reminded that any trees adjacent to the sidewalks must be trimmed so that anyone walking on the sidewalk is able to do so in a safe manner. Please take a few minutes to check any trees near sidewalks to be sure that the branches do not interfere with anyone walking beneath them.
Snow Removal Procedure
- 01. As snow begins to accumulate, the Borough crew concentrates on all roads that are priority roads. As long as the snow keeps falling the priority is to keep the roads open and passable. This may mean that some residential roads will not be reached immediately.
- 02. High priority is given not only to access roads, but the areas around the elementary school and roads used by school buses to gain access to the schools, Emergency Vehicles and their Buildings & Shelters. Once these areas are cleared the crew moves onto the residential side streets.
- 03. Salting & Plowing - when roads start to freeze, salting operations begin on hills and then one truck starts salting the residential roads on the east side and one truck on the west side until all roads are salted or until it is no longer effective to salt due to continuing snow accumulation to two inches. The more traffic on a road, the more effective the salt which means some residential streets with small amounts of traffic may appear to not have been salted.
- 04. As the temperature drops, the salt becomes less effective and once the temperature drops below twenty degrees, salt is ineffective.
- 05. If snowfall accumulates and plowing is necessary, salting ceases. When the snow stops and final plowing is accomplished on all roads, salt is again spread on all roads. Roads are monitored for icy spots and re-salted if necessary.
- 06. Clearing Driveways - since salting and plowing are difficult operations to perform, residents are asked to park in their driveway where possible when snow is anticipated. It is almost impossible to keep snow from being deposited at your driveway during plowing. The plow cannot be lifted or stopped at each driveway as it passes.
- 07. If you have your driveway plowed before the street is completed, (here is a tip) that will minimize the amount of snow left in front of your driveway. When your driveway is cleaned, clear an area to the left of the drive entrance (standing in the driveway, facing the street). When your street is plowed, the snow from the plow can be unloaded in this area instead of your driveway.
- 08. Snow removal is a difficult and time-consuming job. Since Borough crews need many hours of intensive labor to complete snow clearing operations, please try to limit your travel during and immediately following a snowfall.